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Wel­co­me to the English part of our web­si­te. Gijs­bers Advies & Assu­ran­ti­ën ser­vi­ces expats from all over the world who deci­de to live in Was­se­naar, and the area of the Hague and surroundings.

When you come to The Nether­lands as an expat and you need to arran­ge insu­ran­ces, you will soon noti­ce the­re is hard­ly any infor­ma­ti­on in English avai­la­ble. Gijs­bers Advies & Assu­ran­ti­ën do our best to help you find the best insu­ran­ces for the best pre­mi­ums and of cour­se, we try to ans­wer all your ques­ti­on to the best of our abilities.

We are an inde­pen­dent inter­me­di­a­te which means we can choo­se freely from over many dif­fe­rent insu­ran­ce com­pa­nies. In our per­so­nal appro­ach, we tre­at eve­ry client as an indi­vi­du­al with dif­fe­rent needs and so we look at what is best for your spe­ci­fic situ­a­ti­on. Plea­se con­tact us for an appointment.